Anneli Jensen
Reverse Harem, Fantasy Romance, New Adult
Anneli Jensen always dreamed of being a princess of power ever since she’d learned how to write. She now shares her dreams and passion for writing through magical romance stories featuring strong heroines who are loved by their loyal mates. All of Anneli’s books feature diverse characters and relationships, because happily ever afters are for everyone.
Website: www.AnneliJensen.com

M. Ravenel
Mystery, Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction
M. Ravenel is the author of the Plainclothes Tootsie mystery series featuring a tough, snarky private eye from 1970s New York City. When not writing, reading, or working out, Ravenel enjoys watching Golden Age hard-boiled and noir detective films. Ravenel may sometimes be spotted wearing a signature trench coat and fedora while penning the next Plainclothes Tootsie story on a typewriter-inspired keyboard.
Website: www.MRavenel.com

Marie Long
Contemporary Romance, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Sweet Romance, New Adult Romance
Marie Long is a novelist who enjoys the snowy weather, the mountains, and a cup of hot white chocolate. She’s an avid supporter of literacy movements.
Website: www.MarieLongAuthor.com

R.M. Prioleau
R.M. Prioleau is a game developer, web programmer, and artist by day; and a dangerous writer by night. Since childhood, she’s continued exploring new methods of expanding her skills and creativity as she delves into the realm of literary abandon. When R.M. is not leveling up, RPing, or indulged in the latest old school fighting games and RPGs, she is hard at work advocating for great non-profit literacy movements and organizations.
Website: www.RMPrioleau.com